Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Finally I can announce my big news.
As many of you remember from last year we held 2 classes taught by the very talented Marion Werren and Jen Hall, well this year both of these ladies will be donating their time and talent again to teach a class each. As the classes last year were so popular we have added a 3rd class this year and it will be taught by the amazing Janine Kaye.
So here is the deal, class numbers are limited to just 18 per class, they will cost $10 each per person, with the whole $10 going directly to MD.
At this stage we are uncertain about what classes these amazing ladies will be teaching as they all still have their thinking caps on trying to come up with some amazing ideas to teach you. I will post more information as it comes to me.
There will be kits available for all classes and a % of the sales from these kits will be donated to MD (thanks Sasha @ shopandcrop.com.au)
Bookings are open now and remember numbers are strickly limited, email me if you wish to book a place. Payment will be needed to secure your place.
Check out the links in my side bar if you would like to see some of these ladies amazing creations on their blogs.
Back soon to update you all on what is happening with prize donations

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